Wednesday, December 19, 2007


We went to Grandpa and Grandma Hall's house to take some pictures and the girls loved the snow but they did stop a couple of times to take some cute pictures

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Jeremiah made a hill for the girls to slide down
Paige loved the snow

Alexis's big cheesier

Jeremiah decided to pull the girls behind the fourwheeler. Alexis had a hard time holding on because she was also trying to keep Paige on the slide so Jeremiah decided that he would get on the slide with the girls and I would pull them around the cul-de-sac. It was so much fun whipping them around and they were laughing so hard. The girls loved the snow!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The little munchkin's

Alexis discovered that the toy box could fit on her head and Paige follows what ever Alexis does so now they do it all the time. They think it is fun to run around with little or no clothes on and wrestle with each other.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Caught Red Handed

I couldn't believe that Paige had found the licorice. She was so excited that she got it. What a cutie!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Our Summer in Review

I thought that I would post a couple of things that we did this summer. It was fun to go back and look at everything we did and how dang cute my girls are. I love my family and how much joy they bring into my life. Enjoy!!

St. George

This summer Jeremiah and I went to St. George so many times I can't count them on my hands. Whether is was going down for softball tournaments, work or just to hang out with out family and/or friends. We love going there and being with Grandma and Grandpa and Kyle and Catherine.

One Trip that was really fun was we went to Grandma and Grandpa's swimming pool and let the kids go. The pool starts at 6 inches deep and we to 5 feet. It is the perfect pool for kids.

Bear Lake

This year we went to Bear Lake with Steve, Jeannette, Mckell, Tyler, Paisley, April, Dale, Mckinley, Brayden, Josh Sherrie, Jason, Logan, Ashley and Callie. The kids had a lot of fun playing in the sand and water.


A lot of our summer was spent up at my dad's lot building his cabin. Almost every Saturday we were up there slaving away. The girls love to go up there and ride the fourwheelers and play in the dirt.


Alexis loves helping my dad!!

Tim's Horse

We went up to Kamas to watch Tim in the trailer races and after the rodeo Tim let the kids ride on his horse. Alexis loved riding Buckwheat, even though her face doesn't show her excitement.

ATV Rodeo

One thing I never thought I would see is an ATV Rodeo. This was the funnest thing I have ever seen Jeremiah do. It was barrel racing with your fourwheeler. Jeremiah, Jonny and Garon Thorne all raced. Jonny was only 2 days home from his mission and riding a fourwheeler, it took him a minute to remember how to ride and he actually did really good. Jeremiah also did really good, he took 6th or 7th place and I think Jonny took 8th or 9th place so they all did surprisingly well. We are going to keep this a tradition in our family

Softball Tournament

Jeremiah and his team went down to St. George for the Halloween Tournament. They started off losing 2 games which put them in the drop down bracket where they won 6 straight games to take 3rd place. It was a lot of fun!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy Halloween!!! Alexis was a Witch and Paige was a Pirate. Alexis loved her new "scray witch dress" and Paige loved her new black boots. They enjoyed going trick or treating. After a couple of houses Alexis caught on to how it worked and she didn't want to stop.

Eating candy and enjoy their cousins was a treat for the girls. Mckinley was a High School Musical Cheerleader, Brayden was a tough football player, Paisley was a cute bumble bee.